How to Create Partitions in Linux Using fdisk Command

In this guide, we will explain how to create partitions in linux using fdisk command step by step. We will attach a raw disk on our linux system of size 10 GB and will create two partitions on it.

Creating and managing disk partitions is one of the important tasks for linux system administrators. The fdisk command is a powerful command line tool that allows you to create, modify, and delete partitions on your Linux system.


Before we start, ensure you have the following:

  • A Running Linux system.
  • Root privileges or sudo user with admin rights
  • A basic understanding of disks and partitions: Know the device naming conventions in Linux, such as /dev/sda,/dev/sdb and /dev/nvme0n1, etc.

Steps to Create Partitions in Linux Using Fdisk

1) Identify the Disk

First, find the newly attached raw disk on which we will create partitions.

Run fdisk -l command and look for unpartitioned / unallocated drives.

$ sudo fdisk -l

fdisk command output linux

Alternate way to verify that disk /dev/sdb is the newly attached disk by running the command.

$ lsblk

2) Run fdisk for the Target Disk

Run the fdisk command with the target disk as an argument:

$ sudo fdisk /dev/sdb

Once inside the fdisk interactive menu, you will see a prompt like below:

Command (m for help):

Fdisk Command Dev Sdb Partition

Note : Type m and press Enter to display a list of available commands.

3) Create New Partition

To create a new partition, type n and press Enter. You will be prompted to select the partition type and number:

Select Partition Type:

  • p for primary partition
  • e for extended partition

Specify the Partition Number: If it’s the first partition, type 1 and press Enter.

Set the Start and End Sectors:

  • Press Enter to accept the default starting sector.
  • Specify the size by entering a value (e.g., +4G for a 4 GB partition).

Using above steps create two partitions of each size 4 GB as shown below:

Create Partitions In Linux Using Fdisk

After defining the partitions, type w and press Enter to write the changes to the disk. This step finalizes the partitioning.

4) Verify the New Partitions

Run the following command to verify the new partitions on disk /dev/sdb

$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb

List Partitions on Disk in Linux

You should see two new partitions listed, such as /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 with Id 83 and Type as Linux.

5) Format Partitions with mkfs

Format the newly created partitions with a file system. For example, to format /dev/sdb1 as ext4 & /dev/sdb2 as xfs. Run the following fdisk commands.

$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1
$ sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb2

Format Linux Partition With XFS Command

Output above confirms that both the partitions have been formatted with ext4 and xfs file system respectively.

6) Mount these Partitions

In order to mount these partitions, let’s first create a mount points,

$ sudo mkdir /opt/data1
$ sudo mkdir /opt/data2

Now, run the mount command.

$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /opt/data1
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /opt/data2

Next, run df command to verify whether new partitions are mounted or not.

$ df -Th

Mount Partition in Linux

To mount these disk partitions permanently , add the following entries to the /etc/fstab file.

/dev/sdb1       /opt/data1      ext4    defaults        0 0
/dev/sdb2       /opt/data2      xfs     defaults        0 0

Save and close the file and run

$ sudo mount -a

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Partition Not Showing Up

If the new partition doesn’t appear, run the following command to reload the partition table:

$ sudo partprobe

Unable to Format the Partition

Ensure the partition is not mounted before formatting. Use:

$ sudo umount /dev/sdb1


The fdisk command is a powerful tool for managing disk partitions in Linux. By following this guide, you can confidently create partitions and prepare them for use. Always exercise caution and ensure your data is backed up before performing disk operations.

That’s all from this guide, feel free to post your queries and feedback in below comments section.

Also Read: How to Create Partitions with Parted Command in Linux

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